Hardwood Floors
Placer County, CA
Here is where you
can find hardwood flooring contractors for Placer County, CA.
Below is a directory with links to their web pages where available.
This free business directory is provided by Placer County Commerce. |
of Placer County Hardwood Floors |
Do you have a business that should be here - but it
isn't? Is there some information listed here that is not
correct? Just provide us with the information, and the next time we
update the directory we will include your business name, phone number, and
website address. This service is provided at no charge.
The update link is at bottom of the directory. |
Auburn Hardwoods
311 Nevada, Auburn
(530) 885 - 8877
California Hardwood
1980 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn
(530) 888 - 8191
Carpet Warehouse
4877 Granite Drive, Rocklin
(916) 632 - 2296
Dave Boberg's Wood Floors
(916) 435 - 9292
Dennis' Hardwood Floors
(916) 652 - 9215
Don's Carpets
11835 Edgewood Rd., Auburn
(530) 885 - 0756
Flooring America
5825 Horseshoe Bar Rd., Loomis
(916) 652 - 1003
Mountain Carpets
1070 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn
(530) 887 - 0587